This dataset provides information on soil properties in the Brazilian semi-arid region, as well as maps showing the distribution of these characteristics.
Included Soil Properties
- Clay (%)
- Silt (%)
- Sand (%)
- n = soil porosity (cm3 cm-3)
- sh = relative soil moisture at the hygroscopic point
- sw = relative soil moisture at the wilting point
- s* = threshold relative soil moisture below which evapotranspiration reduces linearly
- Ks = soil hydraulic conductivity (cm day-1)
- b = exponent of the soil leakage curve (10.1029/WR014i004p00601)
- Zr = active soil depth (cm)
- SWS = soil storage capacity (mm)
These properties were obtained for 300 points distributed across the Brazilian semi-arid region, representing average values for the soil profile. The properties sh, sw, s*, Ks, b, Zr, and SWS were estimated through inverse modeling. For details on the methodology, refer to: 10.1016/j.catena.2024.108311.
The porosity (n) was estimated based on the clay content in the soil, as detailed in: 10.1016/j.catena.2024.108311. The data for clay, silt, and sand were collected from existing databases: 10.17632/xrk5rfcpvg.2.
After obtaining the soil properties, geostatistical techniques were applied to spatialize these characteristics for the semi-arid region of Brazil. For each property, a raster with a resolution of 6000 x 6000 meters was generated. For details on the methodology, refer to: 10.1016/j.catena.2024.108311.