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1 to 10 of 47 Resultados
TIFF Image - 116.6 KB - MD5: ab6d9b13a3d331e805e04a3dd925e490
Root zone depth (cm)
Dec 14, 2024
MapBiomas, 2024, "Training Field Soil Data for Mapping of Soil Particle Size Distribution (0–30 cm) in Brazil (MapBiomas Soil Collection 2, Beta Version)",, SoilData, V1, UNF:6:UIo9Du9z2FFtSMZZ1X19TA== [fileUNF]
Collection of 11,633 georeferenced points with data from 19,965 soil layers used to train regression models for mapping soil particle size distribution (0–30 cm) in Brazil. These data supported the development of clay, silt, and sand content maps in Collection 2 of the MapBiomas...
Dec 14, 2024
MapBiomas, 2024, "Training Field Soil Data for Annual Mapping of Soil Organic Carbon Stock (0–30 cm) in Brazil, 1985–2023 (MapBiomas Soil Collection 2, Beta Version)",, SoilData, V1, UNF:6:PKK9HmpVEly47sjSf0e/PQ== [fileUNF]
Collection of 12,575 georeferenced points containing field data used to train regression models for mapping soil organic carbon stock (0–30 cm) in Brazil. These data were utilized to prepare the annual maps of soil organic carbon stocks in Collection 2 of the MapBiomas Soil proje...
TIFF Image - 119.8 KB - MD5: 478dbbf66e13baeb162722df4bf6439d
Relative soil moisture at the wilting point
MS Excel Spreadsheet - 256.3 KB - MD5: 72f5a5242f3fcb7dd904799ebf616d54
Planilha modelo para preenchimento dos dados futuros
TIFF Image - 121.0 KB - MD5: e1902596e1dcca2e9b7d46bbc80a23b6
S*:Threshold relative soil moisture below which evapotranspiration reduces linearly
Dados Tabulares - 1.5 MB - 6 Variáveis, 19965 Observações - UNF:6:UIo9Du9z2FFtSMZZ1X19TA==
Particle size distribution (0-30 cm), percentage
Dados Tabulares - 638.6 KB - 5 Variáveis, 12575 Observações - UNF:6:PKK9HmpVEly47sjSf0e/PQ==
Soil organic carbon stock (0-30 cm), grams per square meter
Feb 16, 2024
Tornquist, Carlos Gustavo, 2024, "Soil C & N in the Pampa/RS",, SoilData, V1, UNF:6:DWXN7CnNeBlVQxP7U+kOWA== [fileUNF]
The objective of this study was to assess SOC changes after conversion of native grasslands to cropland (soybeans/cover crops under no-tillage) and forestry (Eucalyptus). Eight representative sites in this biome were selected for soil sampling. Soil sampling was conducted in dug...
TIFF Image - 120.6 KB - MD5: 91faf4b1abca8eb012083ef862e253d1
Relative soil moisture at the hygroscopic point
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